sábado, 8 de enero de 2011

Recoleta Cemetery, January 6, 2011

On Thursday, January 6, we took a tour of the Recoleta Cemetery in Buenos Aires.  Evidently, this cemetery emcompasses about four city blocks worth of tombs for many famous and wealthy people of Argentina.  As seen in this picture, many of the tombs represented were structured ustilizing  French and Italian influences.

Two main tombs that we visited were the tombs of Alfonsin, a past president of Argentina, and another of a rich family of Buenos Aires.  Alfonsin died in 2009 and was president of Argentina from 1983 to 1989.  His casket was open for the public for three days so that the people of Argentina could visit and pay their last respects.  Today, his tomb still has stairs for people to walk up to stand and pray by his casket.

The other tomb that I thought was most interesting was structured like a church and contained a chapel inside.  Since this family was denied worship in a church, they built a tomb for their family in this cemetery so that all their descendents would be able to have a church in the after life.  It is estimated that the tomb itself cost about 2 million dollars to construct and can house about 50 tombs.

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